The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
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The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community

The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
Juventino Martin Albino Caldua is certified guide by IVBV - UIAGM - IFMGA - Explore-Share

The project: Explore & Share is a community platform that helps adventurers who love hiking, ski touring and mountaineering to share their passion, discover new itineraries and connect with mountain guides. The founders' intention is to virtually recreate the feeling of a mountain refuge where the members of the community, after an adventure, share their stories, itineraries, pictures, tips and tricks together in a friendly, open-minded and professional way.

Peru: Trekking Santa Cruz Peru: Trekking Santa Cruz Peru: Trekking Santa Cruz Peru: Trekking Santa Cruz
Explore-Share is a community platform that promotes trips in the mountains provided by certified mountain guides and leaders from all around the world.

What’s in it for mountain activities lovers?

A free access to a specialized and user-friendly online platform listing summer (hiking, climbing, mountaineering…) and winter (ski touring, freeride skiing, ice climbing, snowshoeing…) activities provided by mountain guides and leaders from all around the world.

What’s in it for certified mountain guides and mountain leaders?

A free access to a specialized and user-friendly online platform enabling them to promote the activities and trips they provide to their clients. Explore-Share is another way for them to improve the visibility among a community of people looking for guide's services.

How does it work?

Every certified mountain guide and mountain leader can create very easily a page describing himself and promoting the activities and trips he organizes for his clients.
The people looking for a mountain activity, a trip or a mountain guide can go over the different pages, find inspiration and useful information, contact the guide, ask questions and book them. After being guided by them, clients can post a review and recommend the guides they have been travelling with.

The project

About Us / The origin:

Explore-Share was founded in 2013 by Gauthier and Nicolas, two fans of trekking, mountaineering and ski touring who found it difficult to find mountain guides during their trips around the globe.

Together with Tomas and Nicolás, the Explore-Share team works in partnership with the mountain guides and mountain leaders in order to make it ‘the solution’ they need to ease their clients’ acquisition and management processes.

Please get in touch with us at if you have any question, suggestion, or if you want to be part of the project!

» For further information see Downloads.

» Peru Expeditions ToursDetailprogramm [DOC/PDF]
» Weather Forecast in PeruWeather Forecast
» Location on Google Maps-Peru

The team:

Gauthier Poncelet Gauthier Poncelet
Co-Founder, Explore - Share
Telefon: (+43)
Originally from Belgium, Gauthier discovered the mountains at the age of 3 in les Contamines-Montjoie (Haute Savoie, France) where he learned skiing. Since then, he had the chance to ski and trek in beautiful places in China, Japan, Nepal, Morocco, Argentina, Corsica… and the Alps of course. When in the mountains, Gauthier particularly likes the beauty of nature, enjoying simple moments with his relatives, and the physical efforts during a long walk or ascent. Through Explore & Share, Gauthier wishes to better promote these great activities in the mountains and the experiences you can have while going on an adventure with a mountain guide. Within Explore & Share, Gauthier is in charge of the mountain guides community and business development. Get in touch with him if you are looking for a mountain guide and/or inspiration for a future adventure in the mountains, skiing or walking. He will be happy to help!
Nicolas VandepaerNicolas Vandepaer
Co-Founder, Explore - Share
Telefon: (+43)
His passion for the mountain began skiing as a child and never stopped since then, enjoying many outdoor disciplines, particularly trekking, summit ascents, horse riding and ski touring, which inevitably lead to exploring and discovering foreign cultures. Thanks to the splendor of nature and the rudimentary condition of expeditions, mountain activities are an excellent environment to take a step back and renew energy, specially on the way back to civilization! Explore & Share appeared to be the perfect mix for this adventure appetite. Indeed, it started as a personal need, when it was not easy organizing expeditions in Norway, Nepal, Morocco, Panama, Argentina, etc. for not finding quality information, as well as certified mountain guides to assist him in those tours. In E&S he is in charge of the development team, in order to permanently find new solutions to user’s needs, and business development. Feel free to contact him if you think the site could answer other issues or if you need help to prepare your next expedition!
Nicolas MercadoNicolas Mercado
Platform Development, Explore-Share
Telefon: (+43)
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he learned how to program at the National Technological University while his love for reading led him to be studying Literature at the Buenos Aires University. On Explore & Share he is in charge of making sure that everything works properly. The development of the platform is under his responsibility. He combines his technical knowledge with his creative mind to propose innovative ideas and solutions.
Tomas IchasoTomas Ichaso
Communications, Explore-Share
Telefon: (+43)
Since a young age he discovered the mountains travelling around the south and west of Argentina with his family. He later had the chance to get to know the rest of the country, South America and Europe, mixing his passion to reach remote places and learning from different cultures. He studied Communications in Buenos Aires, and worked in audiovisual production, photography, marketing, and public and institutional communications.

Why us?

Who is Explore-Share for?

For mountain lovers who are looking for a trip or a mountain guide or mountain leader, or just inspiration for a potential future trip in the mountains. We offer a wide range of trips, starting from easy trekkings for begginers or to enjoy with friends and family, to challenging mountaineering expeditions for experienced climbers. You'll find all kind of winter and summer activities, such as Ski Touring, Splitboarding, Catskiing, Off Piste Skiing, Heliskiing, Ice Climbing, Snowshoeing, Hiking, Mountaineering, Canyoning, Rock Climbing, Via Ferrata and Trail Running.

For certified Mountain Guides or Mountain Leaders who are looking to better promote what they offer to their clients and who wish to acquire new clients.

Who is behind Explore-Share?

Explore-Share was created by Nicolas Vandepaer & Gauthier Poncelet, 2 old friends, passionate about trekking, mountaineering and ski touring. They created the platform to answer one of their needs: find a reliable and great mountain guide wherever they were in the world.

Everybody behind the project, including employees and shareholders, are passionate about mountain and outdoor activities. All together, they want to promote these activities and encourage people to enjoy valuable experiences in the mountains. Please refer to the Team page to know more about Nicolas and Gauthier, and their philosophy behind Explore-Share.

Do we have to pay to use Explore-Share?

Explore-Share is free for users looking for a trip or a mountain guide or mountain leader. Mountain guides and leaders can register for free and the Explore-Share team will help you setting up your account for you. A commission will be taken when a new customer is acquired thanks to the web platform.

How can I get in touch with the Explore-Share team?

Please get in touch with us through If necessary, a telephone / Skype call can be organised to discuss about your request.


How can I know if the mountain guides and leaders registered on Explore-Share are qualified?

The Explore-Share team does a screening of the mountain guides and leaders who are registered on Explore-Share and promote their services through the platform, based on their certificate (we focus mainly on IFMGA and UIMLA guides).

However, it is your responsibility to verify that the mountain guide you are contacting / booking has the necessary qualifications and expertise to guide you. Please refer to the “Why hiring a mountain guide?” page to learn more about mountain guides’ qualifications and certificates.

Can I be in contact with my mountain guide directly?

Yes. That’s one of the main reasons we created Explore-Share: to enable anyone to be in contact with his mountain guide to ask all the necessary questions before booking / leaving on a trip.

Please get in touch with him through his profile page or on any trip’s page promoted by him.

What if I don’t find the trip or the mountain guide I’m looking for?

Please get in touch with us through We are in contact with hundreds of mountain guides who are not all yet registered on the platform. We can also advise related to specific needs you could have.


I already have my website and/or my Facebook page, why should I register here?

Explore-Share is another way for you to improve your visibility among a community of people looking for your services. The platform is an additional channel for you to acquire new customers, taking into account that we promote what you offer to your clients through our partners (large outdoor equipment shops, mountain film festival, online mountain news platform…) and through innovative communication channels which you can’t easily access.

I’m not very good with internet and such community platform, can I get some support?

Sure, we will be more than happy to help you in creating a profile page and in uploading one or several tours where you guide your customers. Please get in touch with us through E.mail:

I’m in charge of a mountain guide association / bureau, can we promote here the trips we organise? Sure, as long as it is done through the mountain guides being part of your association / bureau. Please get in touch with us through to discuss about it.

Is Explore-Share a sort of travel agency?

No, Explore-Share offers a platform for mountain guides to easily promote what they offer to their clients and allow them to contact them directly. Our intention is to ease the process, not to make it more complex by adding an additional layer. We initially created Explore-Share to find more easily mountain guides and be able to get in touch with them directly.

How can I get reviews on my profile?

Invite your clients to leave a review through your account settings. Click on the “Request feedback” button and invite the people to leave a review on your profile page.

Why hire mountain guides?

Safety is a very important issue when you go to the mountains, skiing or mountaineering. People are looking for fun, adventure, beautiful landscapes, silence... in the mountains. Like in all situations in life also in mountaineering there is a certain residual risk left.

Mountain guides and leaders are experts trained to limit this risk. Their very demanding training is focused on safety. Additionally to this, they have a long experience which helps taking the right decisions in difficult situations.

Hiring a mountain guide or leader doesn’t just mean that you are getting someone to show you the way. It is also a unique opportunity to get to know an expert who can help you realize your desires, inspire new ideas and adventures far from your daily life. And they also have a basic education in geology, fauna and flora and know the mountains and their history, so with them, a mountain trip becomes a global experience.

And besides all the security and technical expertise that a guide can give, they also make a great difference from a human point of view. They usually have plenty of fantastic stories and anecdotes they love to share, and that will really enrich your experience. If you ever met a mountain guide, you must know for sure what we are talking about!

Apart from all these, a guide can also help you a lot in the organisation of logistics (booking transportation, mountain huts, buying food, renting gears…), and since he knows the terrain he can introduce you to local people and help you discover the real culture of the country you are visiting.

Which mountain guides and leaders to hire?

We highly recommend you to hire an IFMGA / UIAGM / IVBV mountain guide, or a UIMLA mountain leader when you go to the mountains.

The IFMGA is an international association of mountain guides from all around the world. It represents all the national mountain guides associations which are qualified and apply the IFMGA guidelines. Find more information, and the national associations that are members of the IFMGA

The UIMLA is the international association of mountain leaders. This qualification lets the holder lead groups in different mountains all over the world, where the skills of alpinism are not required. IMLs can not provide tours on glaciers and permanent snow, and where the planned use of a rope is necessary. However IMLs can work with groups on high altitude treks as well as lead groups on snow shoes. Find more information 

Juventino Albino Caldua Expert guide certified IVBV - UIAGM - IFMGAJuventino Albino Caldua
Expert guide certified IVBV - UIAGM - IFMGA

Co-Founder, Peru Expedition, he works with Explore-Share
Telefon: (+43) 943780600

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The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
Juventino Martin Albino Caldua is certified guide by IVBV - UIAGM - IFMGA - Explore-Share

The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
Juventino Martin Albino Caldua is certified guide by IVBV - UIAGM - IFMGA - Explore-Share

The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
Juventino Martin Albino Caldua is certified guide by IVBV - UIAGM - IFMGA - Explore-Share

The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
Juventino Martin Albino Caldua is certified guide by IVBV - UIAGM - IFMGA - Explore-Share

The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
The project Explore & Share - Trekking Community
Juventino Martin Albino Caldua is certified guide by IVBV - UIAGM - IFMGA - Explore-Share


Your adventure starts when your dream begins!

Eric Albino Lliuya: AGOMP - Official Peruvian Mountain Guides Association - Huaraz, Peru

Eric Albino Lliuya

Mountain Guide & Tour Operator
→ View Eric’s Full Bio
WhatsApp: +51 943 081 066

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  • Eric
    Eric Raul Albino Lliuya
    CEO Founder & Managing Director
  • Orfelia
    Orfelia Terrones Chavez
    24/7 Travel Assistance
  • Grupo
    Grupo Alpamayo Tours
    Main Tour Operator Office
  • Hotel
    Hotel Valery Center
    General Inquiry Number
  • Socorro
    Socorro Andino Peruano
    24/7 Emergency Response

Eric Albino Lliuya
General Sales Manager

Phone: +51 943 081 066
Location: Av. Mariscal Toribio de Luzuriaga 475, 2do Piso Huaraz – Peru

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