The history:
In 1977 Camille Bournissen, Vice President of the Association of Mountain Guides of Switzerland (AGS) then, after visiting the Cordillera Blanca and observe the nonexistence of professional guides in the region despite the impressive mountain range and the huge tourism potential area, decides to initiate steps for the start of the formation of Mountain Guides in Peru.
With the first course in 1978 aspiring guides the formation of mountain guides in Peru begins and therefore also in South America. A year after the first year of Peruvian guides is done in the Swiss Alps, training sponsored by the AGS.
On October 25, 1980 was officially founded the Association of Mountain Guides of Peru with the acronym (GAMP); that same year the bilateral technical cooperation agreement signed between the governments of Peru and Switzerland for the formation of mountain guides, called "ALPS - ANDES"; the purpose of this agreement was to provide advice and technical assistance in the provision of facilities and implementation of the national development program of mountaineering; program implementation would be responsible for the AGS and the GAMP other hand, with the active participation of members of both associations.
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Price and dates:
► Individual Participants: S /. 780 soles
► National Police, Firefighters, Cruz Roja, Defensa Civil, CENFOTUR, UNASAM (Licensed tourist guide), Technology (Official trekking guide), Peruvian Mountaineering Club: S /. 580 soles
Ancash, Arequipa and Cusco in the Andes Alpes agreement in 1999 ended 68 professional guides that make up the association of mountain guides of Peru, made up of three regions are formed. Also within this technical cooperation agreement, it is built the House of Huaraz Guide.
Parallel to the training of guides, annual training courses for auxiliary servers mountain (cooks, porters, carriers and guardians field) and mountaineers in general were also conducted with the goal of providing adequate technique for making safer activities mountaineering in Peru.
In 1990 GAMP is admitted into the International Union of Associations of Mountain Guides (UIAGM), the first South American association to be recognized as a member of this prestigious international institution.
It is worth mentioning in this agreement the active participation of the Swiss Technical Cooperation in Peru (COTESU), the Swiss Embassy and the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Swiss institutions and individuals (which would be very long name) that with your support selfless contributed to the steady development of the noble profession of mountain guide and mountain tourism in Peru.
2000 the GAMP signed a cooperation agreement to support the training of Official Mountain Guides with Operation Mato Grosso (OMG) organization led by Father Hugo de Censi; This support allowed to continue with the formation of Mountain Guides for 10 years, increasing the number of trained guides to 124 high-level technical professionals.
Notably many Mountain Guides formed throughout the existence of the GAMP are from population centers and rural villages who managed this profession improve their standard of living, doing business and have better perspective of personal development and professional.
2011 to finalize the agreement with Matto Grosso, Father Hugo De Censi decides to support the GAMP with the construction of Training Centre Guides GAMP in the gorge of Llaca and this year the GAMP thanks to laCooperación Mountaineer Switzerland -Perú led by Mrs. Dorothee Fierz achieves signing a cooperation agreement with the prestigious company Mammut Sports Group AG of Switzerland for the endowment with equipment to GAMP and its members.
Today School Mountain Guides of the GAMP still running and Guides GAMP been leading expeditions and driving roped in the mountains of Peru and the world, making rescue efforts and providing technical courses with the goal of practice mountaineering safe and appropriate emergency response in mountain.
The GAMP provides the Peru level mountain resort destination internationally and allows foreign tourists provide a high margin of safety in emergency response and mountain rescue, effectiveness does not offer any institution in Peru.
► AGMP - Asociación de Guías de Montaña del Perú
► More info Address: Parque Ginebra 28-G Ancash, Huaraz - Perú Phone: (043) 42-1811
► E-mail: Website:
The IFMGA is an international association of mountain guides from all around the world. It represents all the national mountain guides associations which are qualified and apply the IFMGA guidelines. Find more information, and the national associations that are members of the IFMGA